March 2024: History Of The National Hockey League
D’Arcy Jenish is a playwright and writer of magazine features, newspaper commentary, speeches, corporate histories and corporate reports.
He has authored three plays & ten books on topics ranging from the opening the Canadian West to The Making of the October Crisis to The NHL: 100 Years of On-ice Action and Boardroom Battles to Money to Burn: Trudeau, Mulroney and the Bankruptcy of Canada.
Born in a Montréal hotel room on November 26, 1917, the NHL has endured two world wars, the Great Depression, the failure of numerous franchises and the predations of the short-lived World Hockey Association.
Today it is one of North America’s Big Four professional sports leagues. Thousands of players and hundreds of coaches and general managers have come and gone over 107 seasons but only four presidents and one commissioner have guided the fortunes of this remarkable enterprise.
Jenish will explore the history of the NHL through the lens of these five men: Frank Calder, Merv Dutton, Clarence Campbell John Ziegler and Gary Bettman.
Join us on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 for an informative presentation. Doors open at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. Our new coffee maker is ready so bring a friend or two! Members free and guests are $5.00.