Short Histories

By the Senior Class of Northumberland Christian School – 2017

Following the retreat of the last ice age, and the draining of the greater Lake Iroquois, when Lake Ontario came into its own setting, dense forest covered the plains and hills. The native people moved in to occupy, to hunt and to fish the lands, lakes, and rivers. For several thousand years they lived here their nomadic and outdoor life.

First Nations in what is now Canada were able to satisfy all of their material and spiritual needs through the resources of the natural world around them.

During 2015 and 2016, a group of history enthusiasts rebuilt a replica of a Crossen Ore Car. The result is displayed on the Cobourg waterfront near the Marina. Below is a reproduction of the text (well, most of it) plus a photo.

The History of Cobourg is full of stories of rivalries with its neighbour Port Hope.  On 22 Feb 2011, Ian Montagnes presented the Cobourg and District Historical Society with more on this rivalry.

Extracted from: 1878 Illustrated Historical Atlas of Durham and Northumberland Counties of Ontario. Published by H. Belden & Co. – Toronto.

The History of Cobourg as told by Street names; By Peter Delanty – Mayor of Cobourg 2000 – 2010

Now part of Cobourg – By Percy L. Climo – April 1987
Warning: Outdated language is used to describe Indigenous peoples.

Amherst was one of the earliest settlements in the Cobourg area. It stood roughly on the space encompassed by a circle of a one-quarter mile radius, with its centre at Elgin and Burnham Streets. It was at this historic village that several important events occurred.

From Cobourg District Collegiate Institute West

The Early History of Cobourg written by students from the CDCI West and published on their web site.

The first settlers in 1798 found this area swampy and drained by more creeks than it is today. Asa Danforth brought 7 families to the area. These settlers established two small villages: