Cobourg Industries
Some of the Industries that contributed to Cobourg’s prosperity and daily life. Includes: William Weller (3 pages), Crossen Car Works (as seen by two historians), Early Industry and Movie Theatres.
Cobourg’s Railway Car Manufacturer by Andrew Merrilees
This very prolific builder commenced manufacturing railway cars in 1866 when the Cobourg & Peterborough Railway, which passed his plant, placed an order for 12 wooden dump cars.
The Crossen Car Company – by Ted Rafuse
James Crossen began his working life with the Helm Foundry in Cobourg. By his mid thirties he was a full partner in this enterprise and two years later he became the sole proprietor of the enterprise.
As well as the usual main street merchants, Cobourg had a good collection of Industrial activities. As described elsewhere on this site, Cobourg had a thriving Harbour, Railway construction and operation, the Crossen railway car works, Stage Coach Line, Hotels catering to the visiting Americans and a distillery. Below are some other industries – including farms.
A 19th Century Shaker and Mover – By John G. Shragge
This article is reproduced with the author’s kind permission. Some format changes have been made but otherwise the article is unchanged. The original has since gone off-line. In 3 parts.
Bill bets on the Governor – By John G. Shragge
Weller as it turned out was also obliged, in part, to maintain the roads his stage coaches used — with a bit of government help. In 1835, for example, he had to petition the House of Assembly for a grant so he could repair the road between Highland Creek and Duffins Creek, between West Darlington and Brown’s Mills, and from Brighton to the Trent River.
The end of Stage Coaches – By John G. Shragge
The Cobourg Star of December 18, 1837 eulogized one of Weller’s newly turned out “Royal Mail Line” coaches.
1908 to 1948 – Edited from the book Cobourg 1798 – 1948 by Edwin C. Guillet
Cobourg’s first motion pictures the Bijou Dream, 1908
Messrs. Kerr and Raymond opened a high-class moving picture theatre in the store previously occupied by Mr. Willis, one door east of the Post Office [on King street]. They “put the place in proper shape” and planned to give “a clean entertainment at cheap prices”. Sentinel Star.