Like any town, Cobourg has its share of stories – things that happened that people remember and tell stories about.
The hanging of Billy King, the day the plane (crash) landed in Cobourg, the story of James Calcutt and the connection of HMCS Skeena to Cobourg.
Additional stories are welcome!
John R. Taylor was the Director of the Restoration of Victoria Hall from 1971 to 1975. He has made a video of the story of the building of Victoria Hall and the Cobourg Peterborough Railway.
You can see that video in the article here.
The James Calcutt Story and other mysteries – From CDCI West History Department
“In all his dealing, he was scrupulously honest, from the largest to the smallest transactions, and he endeavoured as a leading citizen to give a tone of fairness to every important event in our municipal history.”
There is no airport in Cobourg and there never has been – yet on Dec 20, 1951 a passenger plane landed in Cobourg. Quite a story. First a summary then a first hand account of the event.
On December 17, a chartered flight of a twin-engined C-46E Curtis Commando took off from Burbank, CA headed for Newark NJ via Chicago. On board were 44 passengers and 3 crew – Captain Bruce Melson, co-pilot Ed O’Leary and stewardess Sandy Daine. It was already late, it had been scheduled for a day earlier.
A story of Love, Passion and Poison – By Paul Dalby. It was a day in Cobourg’s history that no one would ever forget.
A massive crowd of 10,000 people – men, women and children had flocked to the town from all over Northumberland County and as far away as Toronto and Montreal.
This is the story of the original HMCS Skeena – by Lieutenant (Navy) Chris Barker, CD.
The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps #116, Skeena – serving Cobourg, Port Hope and Northumberland – is based in Port Hope at the Skeena Building on Mill street.