The American Connection

Many early settlers in Cobourg were American and in fact, there were many wealthy Americans who came to Cobourg for the summer and this continued for most of the 19th century. Marsha Ann Tate of the Pennsylvania State University studied this.  She presented her findings to the Cobourg Historical Society and wrote a paper on the subject.

The summary is a copy of the powerpoint slides used for her presentation to the Society.

Based on a presentation by: Marsha Ann Tate, ABD
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania USA 16802

As presented to Cobourg Historical Society

Text version here (4 pages).

The first of four parts – The Establishment of the American Summer Colony – Cobourg was naturally endowed with the attributes of a virtual summer paradise.

The Marketing of Cobourg as a Summer Destination – Shoenberger and Chambliss also launched a marketing campaign offering potential U.S. visitors to Cobourg a plethorea of pleasures in healthful surroundings.

Cobourg’s Summer Visitors  – In addition to the Shoenberger family, a number of other wealthy individuals from the United States also began making Cobourg their summer home.

Social and Economic Linkages between Cobourg’s Canadian and U.S. Residents – As the years passed, members of northern U.S. families who summered in Cobourg increasingly married colony members hailing from the southern United States.